The SPIRE program hosted the most recent IRACDA Conference, June 23-25, 2024 on the campus of UNC Chapel Hill with the theme “Maximizing Impact Through Research and Teaching.” The conference brought together 280 participants from the NIGMS funded IRACDA programs including scholars, program directors, coordinators, and faculty from partner institutions.
Plenary topics and speakers included:
- Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom, Kelly Hogan, Ph.D. (Duke University)
- CURE Workshop CUREious: An Introduction to Course-based Undergraduate Research, Lisa Corwin, Ph.D. (University of Colorado, Boulder)
- Ungrading for Equity, Jesse Stommel, Ph.D. (University of Denver)
- Thriving under pressure – Navigating stress at the cellular and professional levels, Gustavo Silva, Ph.D. (Duke University)
Breakout sessions included topics on mental health, mentoring, case studies, and conflict management. A poster session highlighted research and teaching innovations from the IRACDA scholars. We are looking forward to the next IRACDA conference in 2025 hosted by the UCLA IRACDA program.