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Karl Castillo, Ph.D.

Marine Sciences


University of South Carolina
Marine Science Program


Justin Ries, Ph.D.
John Bruno, Ph.D.


Dr. Castillo is currently Professor in the Marine Sciences department at UNC Chapel Hill.


Spring 2012

  • Principles of Biology, UNC Pembroke


  • Castillo, KD, Ries, JB, Bruno, JF, Westfield, IT. 2014. The reef-building coral Siderastrea sidereal exhibits parabolic responses to ocean acidification and warming. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences 281(1797).
  • Cox CE, Jones CD, Wares JP, Castillo KD, McField MD, Bruno JF 2012. Genetic testing reveals some mislabeling but general compliance with a ban on herbivorous fish harvesting in Belize. Conservation Letters
  • Castillo KD, Ries JB, Weiss JM. 2011. Declining coral skeletal extension for forereef colonies of Siderastrea siderea on the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System, southern Belize. PLoS ONE 6: e14615 PMCID: PMC3040180.